RE: Brachiators On Our family Tree? (Common ancestry - direct evidence?)

From: Uko Zylstra (
Date: Tue Mar 26 2002 - 07:29:53 EST

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Tuesday in Holy Week"

    I believe the original source for the 99% data comes from the classic paper by
    Mary-Claire King and A. C. Wilson, Evolution at two levels in Humans and
    Chimpanzees, Science, vol 188, (11 April), 1975. Their analysis involves
    electrophoretic comparisons of proteins from both species at 44 genetic loci,
    immunological comparisons, as well as nucleic acid hybridization comparisons.
    They point out that the genetic distance between humans and chimpanzees is much
    closer than that of many sibling species.
    What then accounts for such large behavioral differences between humans and
    chimps? They conclude by proposing that the molecular evolution that accounts
    for such changes resides in regulatory mutations. Whether that is sufficient
    "cause" of course remains to be debated and demonstrated.

    Uko Zylstra, Ph.D.
    Biology Department
    Calvin College
    tel: (616)957-6499

    >>> "R. Joel Duff" <> 03/25/02 03:07PM >>>
    Actually, I believe the 99% is overstated. I think it is based more on
    DNA-DNA hybridization data than DNA sequence data. The genomes contain
    large quantities of repetative DNA which are similar, among the coding
    sequences the sequence may be 99% the same BUT among non-coding (which
    represents some 95% of the genome, the % similarity is almost certainly well
    below 99%. So if you are speaking of comparing the whole genome at the
    nucleotide level I would suspect the number is well below 99% may be 90-95%
    similar. I'm sure that some of this data is out there now. I would agree
    that the 99% needs to be qualified when it is used.
    Joel Duff

      -----Original Message-----
      From: []On
    Behalf Of Dick Fischer
      Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 3:08 PM
      Subject: Re: Brachiators On Our family Tree? (Common ancestry - direct

        Walt Hicks wrote:

        This 99% has always confused me in that is is a number that has been
        quoted for many years. Yet, it is my understanding that neither the
        chimpanzee nor human genome have been mapped to anywhere this degree of
        completeness. So what does this 99% mean? (I'm not arguing; I just don't

      The two genomes are approximately 99% identical in what has been mapped
      far. That is my understanding.

      Another good question for Francis Collins.

      Dick Fischer - The Origins Solution -
      "The answer we should have known about 150 years ago"

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