Re: The Mediterranean Flood

Date: Wed Mar 27 2002 - 11:10:31 EST

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Living with Mystery (was BIBLE: Marcus Borg)"

    Jim Eisele wrote:

    > A) I was criticizing Glenn's work, not him personally.
    > B) We are Christian leaders, and have grave responsibilities.
    > C) I'm sick and tired of people criticizing me.

    Titling a post "A Mockery af a Sham" _is_ abusing someone
    personally. It is also a sign of a poor leader to broadcast
    to the world your opinions (which you seem to think everyone
    is so brisk to hear). To C: here we go again.

    Keep in mind that people who publish their work in the
    ASA journal have given at least as much thought as you
    on what they propose. They have also devoted many hours
    in research of their view as well as other interpretations
    and considered these views thoughtfully: _at least_ to the
    same extent as yourself. You are not required to agree with
    any of them in the end, and you are welcome to formulate
    your own opinions, but making disparaging remarks on work
    published in peer reviewed journals with mere opinions
    (right or wrong) and no critical examination of the issues
    involved shows no evidence of "Christian leadership" on
    your part.

    by Grace alone we proceed,

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