Re: The flood and the deep - rambling thoughts

Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 18:39:03 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Templeton Prize for Polkinghorne"

    Troy wrote,

    << If the flood was literal and global (as I believe it was), where did the
     water come from? Ice caps? Is our current geography a post-flood
     phenomenon, such that melted ice caps could have covered all land?
     Did the water come from "the deep?" Where is that water now? Is "the deep"
     a literal celestial ocean?
     What are your thoughts?
     Troy >>

    You have asked the crucial question. Where did the water come from to flood
    the world as described in Gen 6-9? In addition to my paper on Psalm 104,
    which is not on the ASA website, I have recently prepared a second paper
    showing that this is the
    Achilles heel of creation science's global flood since there is no source of
    water sufficient to flood the Globe to the extent that "all the high
    mountains under all the heavens were covered" (Gen 7:19). That paper is not
    in final form, but is close enough to answer your question. I will attach it
    to your email, and will send it to any interested reader who requests it.


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