From: Don Perrett (
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 11:53:34 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: <no subject>"

    While I would agree that there is no direct scientific text within the
    Bible, anything which we discover now should, at the very least, not
    contradict the Bible. So if things are in agreement, it would seem that the
    Bible is correct, as always. Realizing that the Bible was written for people
    many years ago, I doubt that God would have intentionally mislead anyone at
    that time. If we today were to talk to a child with little or no scientific
    background, how would we do this. And if 20 years later this same child was
    now in college would he find new evidence which would go against what he was
    told in grammar school? So while God did not give them all the details of
    creation, he did not by any means give them the wrong info.
    DON P

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of J Burg
    Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:33 AM

    I am really puzzled here. What possible reason could there be for thinking
    that someone writing 2500 years ago (more or less) would be including
    "secret" messages to us in the 20th century about scientific matters?

    The scholar Marcus Borg asserts that much of scripture is "history
    metamorphized" and that by taking it literally we are simply "historicizing
    metaphors." That makes sense to me.


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