RE: ASA Perspective

From: Don Perrett (
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 11:47:14 EST

  • Next message: Don Perrett: "RE:"

    Thanks for your input Jan. While I have no intention of drawing an unwilling
    participant into an old discussion, my purpose is to draw on the vast
    knowledge of more educated and enlightened people. My goal is to have a
    comfortable understanding of Genesis and how it relates to science. The end
    effect would be the ability to approach atheistic evolutionists from a
    scientific perspective that they can appreciate and hopefully convert them
    to Christianity(big task). I see no other way to do this. 5 years ago, I was
    able to influence my own father. He was raised an orthodox Catholic but
    after he got his BSEE he became an atheist. I myself had no such downfall
    after getting my BSEE. Anyway, if there is a particular (new) subject that
    you wish to discuss please feel free to bring one up.
    DON P

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of Jan de Koning
    Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2002 10:08 AM
    To: ASA Forum List
    Subject: RE: ASA Perspective

    Welcome, Don.
    On the other hand, don't expect us, old-timers, to go through (incomplete)
    discussions again. We have been doing so for many, many years. Many years
    on this forum, ever since its beginning, we discussed and argued here about
    how to read the Bible. Even before that I spent many years studying the
    subject, but I, and I am sure many others, are not starting all over again
    for the so-maniest time. It will happen again no doubt, and no doubt I
    will repeat again that one cannot read a document written thousands of
    years ago as if it was written yesterday. For many reasons, the main being
    that everyone here in N.America lives in the twenty-first century, and has
    had a schooling in "science" which makes it hard to understand documents
    written even two-hundred, let alone three-thousand years ago. So let it
    suffice, before we can talk about your way of reading Gen.1, we have to
    know much more about you and your background. Even then there may be
    preliminary discussions needed about theology and philosophy.
    For now, Gen.1 is just one chapter of a very big book, that is not written
    as a science book.


    At 09:10 PM 13/03/02 -0600, Don Perrett wrote:
    >Thanks for your comments Jim.
    >While I can at times be long winded, it is primarily as a result of being
    >new and wanting to insure that what views I have are conveyed completely.
    >Wouldn't mind you sending me the info at a latter date.
    >Don P
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Jim Eisele []
    >Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 4:10 PM
    >Subject: RE: ASA Perspective
    > >Scientific: The gases(water) drifting around the sun began to cool and
    > >mass together and form a proto-earth with a atmosphere that separated it
    > >from the open space(water) above. The second era/stage past.
    >Hi Don. It sounds like you are willing to look for a correlation
    >between science and Gen 1. Where were you a month ago when we
    >needed you? :)
    >A couple of us regulars are on your side. And papers and books
    >have been written supporting us. My favorite on the ASA website
    >is Genesis Reconsidered, by Held & Ruest.
    >I haven't had a chance to look at all of your posts yet (you are
    >If I weren't so tired I'd copy their view on the separation of the
    >waters into this e-mail.

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