(no subject)

From: J Burg (hoss_radbourne@hotmail.com)
Date: Mon Mar 18 2002 - 20:51:58 EST

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Re: The flood and the deep - rambling thoughts"

    Don wrote:

    >From: "Don Perrett" <don.perrett@verizon.net>
    >To: "ASA Forum List" <asa@calvin.edu>
    >CC: "J Burg" <hoss_radbourne@hotmail.com>
    >Subject: RE:
    >Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 10:53:34 -0600
    >While I would agree that there is no direct scientific text within the
    >Bible, anything which we discover now should, at the very least, not
    >contradict the Bible. So if things are in agreement, it would seem that the
    >Bible is correct, as always. Realizing that the Bible was written for
    >many years ago, I doubt that God would have intentionally mislead anyone at
    >that time. If we today were to talk to a child with little or no scientific
    >background, how would we do this. And if 20 years later this same child was
    >now in college would he find new evidence which would go against what he
    >told in grammar school? So while God did not give them all the details of
    >creation, he did not by any means give them the wrong info.
    >DON P
    Somehow that answer seems to me to be incredibly naive.


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