The Bible is not a scientific text??

From: Allen Roy (
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 22:20:25 EST

  • Next message: Don Perrett: "RE: The Bible is not a scientific text??"

    I want to bring up a topic for discussion.

    It is often said, "The Bible is not a scientific text."

    I would like to know just exactly what is meant by that.

    What would a "scientific text" supplied or inspired by God look or read

    Could God (omniscient as he is) even write, inspire or supply a "scientific

    Can observations or statements in ancient texts be used to develop or
    support a scientific model?

    Even if an ancient text were written by people who held 'non-scientific'
    beliefs about the natural world, could a scientist make use of statements in
    the text that could be interpreted to agree with current scientific

    I know what I think, but I'd like to hear what those on this net think. I
    don't have time to get involved in a deep discussion, so I'm just going to
    post the questions and read the responses.


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