Re: The Bible is not a scientific text??

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Thu Mar 14 2002 - 11:16:29 EST

  • Next message: J Burg: "(no subject)"

    The topic has been discussed many times before. And, unfortunately, we
    cannot know what a "scientific" text written or inspired by God would look
    like. We have to study His creation, draw conclusions, discuss etc.. That
    has been done many times here.
    No human being could ever supply such a text. Another thing is: God talked
    to people in their own language at a certain time, giving directions for
    life. When God says that we have to till the ground, we do not know how
    God would till the ground. That is a matter for studying.
    While I am always glad that people want to discuss these things,
    "new-comers" should not expect us oldies, who have been talking about these
    things for many, many years (in my case 60 years) to repeat ourselves more
    than once or at most a few times a year.


    At 08:20 PM 13/03/02 -0700, Allen Roy wrote:
    >I want to bring up a topic for discussion.
    >It is often said, "The Bible is not a scientific text."
    >I would like to know just exactly what is meant by that.
    >What would a "scientific text" supplied or inspired by God look or read
    >Could God (omniscient as he is) even write, inspire or supply a "scientific
    >Can observations or statements in ancient texts be used to develop or
    >support a scientific model?
    >Even if an ancient text were written by people who held 'non-scientific'
    >beliefs about the natural world, could a scientist make use of statements in
    >the text that could be interpreted to agree with current scientific
    >I know what I think, but I'd like to hear what those on this net think. I
    >don't have time to get involved in a deep discussion, so I'm just going to
    >post the questions and read the responses.

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