RE: ASA Perspective

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Wed Mar 13 2002 - 10:26:01 EST

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Christian education"

    Norm Woodward writes

    >But everyone seems to miss my original point...a statistic was posted that
    >99% of today's scientists are more willing to accept a flat earth rather
    >than a young earth, and it would seem to me that that should cause some to
    >consider the secondary meaning of the word, also.

    Norm, I confess to having more on my plate than I can handle. My B.A.
    degree was Psychology/Theology. My B.S. was accounting. I have read an
    incredible amount.

    I haven't followed all of your previous posts. It sounds like you're not
    willing to accept an old earth. I'm assuming that your reason for this is
    the Bible. In light of what we know now, the Bible does not support an old

    The church has done a pathetic job educating people.

    There is a way to read Gen 1 as something other that a 144 creation.
    etc. are either ignorant or too afraid to tell their congregations this.
    they weakly accept Gen 1 as a lame story (try not to fall asleep or lose or'


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