Re: ASA Perspective

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 11:06:22 EST

  • Next message: Jonathan Clarke: "direct observation (was ASA Perspective)"

    Paul writes

    >Belief in the solidity of the sky and the ocean
    >above it (which Genesis delineates even more clearly than a 6000 year old
    >earth) was also the traditional view of the Church; but, YECs rationalize
    >that away as quickly as classical concordists.

    This was a tough call for me. "42%" of me said to just let this comment
    go. But "58%" of me "weighs more."

    Paul, it is simply not fair to say that we concordists are rationalizing
    things away. I will trust whatever you say about what the early Church
    thought about the sky. The Jewish people thought Jesus would be a
    military leader. Your logic is not leading in a good direction.

    Standard Christian thinking is that God inspired the Bible. That includes
    each and every prophecy of the OT. Jesus fulfills many prophecies.

    On the road to Emmaus Jesus had to open the eyes of disciples, so they
    could see what the OT said about him. Luke 24:27 "Then beginning with
    Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning
    Himself in all the Scriptures."


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