Re: ASA Perspective

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 07:49:18 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Creationists in the UK"

    At 10:36 PM 11/03/02 -0500, Walter Hicks wrote:
    >Many thanks for this refreshing viewpoint!!
    >I will need to reflect upon it for a while and see what I can extract
    >from it.
    > I must admit that I am somewhat influenced by my meetings with with a
    >"YEC" fro a former employer -- and he was one of the most brilliant
    >engineer/scientists there. I felt his logic was faulty -- and he
    >believed the same with me.
    >I do believe there is room for dialog -- but I do not know how to do so.
    >if ASA serves a useful purpose, then this should be one of them.

    Maybe, it should, but in many, many years of trying I have not found many
    people willing to take the tim and it takes many, many years to start from
    the beginning, namely studying the philosophies behind their own way of
    thinking, and what I believe to be the biblical way of thinking. I usually
    give up then, because discussing with people who do not want to take the
    time to study the background of their own thinking does not lead anyone,

    Jan de K.

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