Re: Creationists in the UK

Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 08:28:58 EST

  • Next message: Jim Eisele: "Re: ASA Perspective"

    In Michael Roberts' post:

    > Emmanuel College - set up by the Tories - is designated
    > a beacon school by the Labour government and its backers
    > are sponsoring a city academy to be built in nearby
    > Middlesbrough.

    There is a strange tendency to conflate a YEC position
    with a fitness for leadership in conservative politics
    in the US. Perhaps it is associated with some presumed
    corruptibility factor (as if _no_ conservative politician
    is corrupt). Maybe you have a similar problem in the UK.

    There is something to be said for a person who sticks with
    things, but there are also times when a train is on the
    wrong track. choooo choooo ...... Which will it be then?

    by Grace alone we proceed,

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