Re: (no subject)

From: Moorad Alexanian (
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 14:35:42 EST

  • Next message: Tom Pearson: "Meteorites and Specified Complexity"

    I posted that with humor but with serious intent. My wife is a middle school
    teacher and I am a university physics professor. I am sorry you were
    insulted. But I would not be so defensive of all teachers. Moorad

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Lucy Masters <>
    To: <>
    Date: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 11:46 AM
    Subject: (no subject)

    >Regarding the email which claims a teacher told a child that God does
    >not exist because he cannot be seen:
    >This type of communication is insulting to teachers everywhere. As a
    >former science teacher and a former seminary student, my opinion is this
    >type of communication is below the standards of this list. I have NEVER
    >known a teacher to be stupid enough to make this type of comment to a
    >child. If the logic held fast, then air would also not exist because it
    >cannot be seen.
    >I found the email childish and typical of emotionally charged
    >fundamentalist thought. Please raise the bar on our interactions.

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