Fair to Keith Miller

From: James Mahaffy (mahaffy@mtcnet.net)
Date: Thu Feb 22 2001 - 08:19:55 EST

  • Next message: SteamDoc@aol.com: "Re: Dr. Henry Schaefer and YECism"

    Bill Payne wrote:
    > On Sat, 17 Feb 2001 14:39:57 -0500 kbmill@ksu.edu (Keith B Miller)
    > writes:
    > >Teaching science is not about
    > > compelling belief, it is always about introducing students to a way of
    > > learning about the world around us, and demonstrating the observation
    > basis
    > > for our current theorectical understanding.
    > As I see it, the problem arises when you withhold information which
    > undermines "our current theorectical understanding," which is why
    > Wiester
    > said: "The new Kansas science standards tilt toward indoctrination
    > rather than education." If you, Genie Scott, et al could bring
    > yourselves to be candid in the presentation of *all* of the data, then
    > you would blunt the criticism you rightly receive.


    I am glad you are still active on ASA and present a different view. And
    I suspect I would agree, perhaps for different reasons that I do not
    like the new Kansas standards. I say suspect because I have not read
    the documents. While on the Kansas standards, I would likely agree with
    you, I did not like the way you picked on Keith in the above

    First you attack Keith by associating him with Genie. While both Genie
    and Keith like the new standards, Genie is no friend to Christian
    faith. I am sure you would not like us to generalize that your position
    is the same as every YEC.

    Second you say, "to be candid in the presentation of *all* of the data,
    then you [Keith] would blunt the criticism you rightly receive." Bill,
    Keith is a person of integrity and very knowledgeable. That does not
    make his position right but this attack is not fair. As you may know, I
    disagreed and still do with his interpretation of the Cambrian (see
    archives for last May), but I very much respected his command of the
    literature. Disagree with Keith by all means but disagree with his
    postion and don't attack his integrity.

    Sometimes this list is dominated by articulate folks of a TE position
    and we need ASA folks of a different perspective like you Bill active on
    the list. Lets just be careful in the way we pick on each other. And I
    must say in the distant past when you were posting on coal some of the
    attacks on you were not the most fair. The general tone is still better
    now than it has sometimes been in the past.

    James and Florence Mahaffy    712 722-0381 (Home)
    227 S. Main St.              712 722-6279 (Office)
    Sioux Center, IA 51250

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