More than TE in ASA

From: James Mahaffy (
Date: Wed Feb 21 2001 - 08:46:05 EST

  • Next message: Kenneth Piers: "Re: Sin and Death"


    Much as I respect Keith for his obvious Christian witness, I think it
    good for Weister's voice to be heard among evangelicals. Our reputation
    among our Christian brothers is equally as important as is our
    reputation among the scientific community. I professionally (when I get
    time from high teaching loads) study the fossil record (paleoecology of
    Carboniferous coal-swamps). I am not TE (theistic evolution) nor for
    that matter YEC (young earth creation) or ID (intelligent design).

    Like Wiester I worry about the secularizing influence of the
    evolutionary dogma when it is taught as it often is as accounting for
    the world and organism originating without a Creator. Obviously TE's
    and Keith would agree with me.

    It saddens me that too often ASA is seen by evangelicals as no different
    than a secular science that appears to them as teaches that God had
    nothing to do with Creation. It is good for them to see that there are
    a variety of voices in ASA and if they go to our web site or read some
    of our publications they may find some help in changing some of their
    ideas that are poor science. Mybe we can help layfolks understand
    science better.

    James and Florence Mahaffy    712 722-0381 (Home)
    227 S. Main St.              712 722-6279 (Office)
    Sioux Center, IA 51250

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