Re: PCA Creation Report

Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 10:57:04 EST

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Miracles and Science"

    In a message dated Tue, 13 Feb 2001 8:08:17 AM Eastern Standard Time, Inge Frette <> writes:

    << Hello Jack and other,
      can someone help a non-American here.
      Jack writes that PCA is a "conservate denomination".
      I thought that PCA was a mainline denomination of a liberal type.
      Am I mixing two denominations here ?
      And - which denomination is Princeton Seminary affiliated with ?

    Adding to what Joel Duff said:

    The PCA (Presbyterian Church in America) is a quite conservative denomination. The "mainline" body is the PCUSA, which leans liberal (though not as much as many other "mainline" denominations in the US), but still has a number of churches that are fairly conservative and evangelical (such as the one I am a member of, part of a movement in the denomination called "Presbyterians for Renewal").

    My understanding is that the two main issues that caused the PCA to separate were its view of Scripture (they take a more fundamentalist view, placing great importance on the "inerrancy" doctrine) and its view that women should not be pastors or elders.

    Allan Harvey,

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