Re: PCA Creation Report

From: Inge Frette (
Date: Tue Feb 13 2001 - 08:12:09 EST

  • Next message: Ted Davis: "Fwd: [METAVIEWS] 008: The Big Tent and the Camel's Nose,by Eugenie Scott"

    Hello Jack and other,
    can someone help a non-American here.

    Jack writes that PCA is a "conservate denomination".
    I thought that PCA was a mainline denomination of a liberal type.
    Am I mixing two denominations here ?
    And - which denomination is Princeton Seminary affiliated with ?

    Best regards from Inge in Norway

    At 07:57 13.02.2001 -0500, Jack Haas wrote:
    >I have placed the Presbyterian Church of America Report on Creation at the
    >ASA web site. This long
    >(perhaps 60 pages, depending on your font size) document reflects the
    >desire of a conservative denomination to come to grips with our favorite
    >topic. Although there is something that will offend everyone, this
    >careful and comprehensive study lays out the subject in an impartial
    >fashion that provides
    >a reading of the values and problems of the major views and concludes that
    >the church should be able to live with diversity.
    >Jack Haas
    >ASA Web Editor

    Inge Frette
    GEOLOGICA AS Phone : +47 51 87 58 15
    P.O.Box 8034 Fax : +47 51 87 58 01
    N-4003 STAVANGER E-mail:
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