Re: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals

From: M.B.Roberts (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 04:54:52 EST

  • Next message: Stein A. Strømme: "Re: Where is man? (was RE: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals)"

    Howard is spot on. One also needs to follow through Ryan and Pitman's
    arguments in Noah's Flood. I know Glenn likes it not, but the dates are
    about right.
    It has convinced an atheist Prof of Geology friend of the historical roots
    of Noah's Flood but leads him no further.
    For Glenn a 24km walk with kids and herds takes more than a day.
    One also needs to considered heightened language in Genesis.
    There is simply no way that either the flooding of the Med or the Persian
    Gulf can be Noah's Flood.
    I think George is right - focus on Christ.

    Michael Roberts
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Howard J. Van Till" <>
    To: <>
    Cc: <>
    Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 12:22 AM
    Subject: Re: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals

    > Sam, you wrote:
    > > As to Biblical "historicity", with the little geology I do have (B.Sc),
    > > Mediteranian flood proposed by Glenn is the most reasonable of those I
    > > heard of/read.
    > I presume, then, that you are comfortable with the idea that 5.5 million
    > years ago there were fairly mature civilizations of modern humans
    > with agriculture, musical instrument making, making and working with iron
    > and bronze, shipbuilding, etc) and that the factual particulars of a flood
    > experience were accurately preserved by oral tradition for that same 5.5
    > million years?
    > Howard van Till

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