Re: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Thu Feb 01 2001 - 19:22:24 EST

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "Where is man? (was RE: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals)"

    Sam, you wrote:

    > As to Biblical "historicity", with the little geology I do have (B.Sc), the
    > Mediteranian flood proposed by Glenn is the most reasonable of those I have
    > heard of/read.

    I presume, then, that you are comfortable with the idea that 5.5 million
    years ago there were fairly mature civilizations of modern humans (complete
    with agriculture, musical instrument making, making and working with iron
    and bronze, shipbuilding, etc) and that the factual particulars of a flood
    experience were accurately preserved by oral tradition for that same 5.5
    million years?

    Howard van Till

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