Re: Where is man? (was RE: Faith was: Creation Ex Nihilio and other journals)

From: Stein A. Strømme (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2001 - 05:13:26 EST

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Where is man?"

    [Glenn Morton]

    | Howard van Till wrote:

    | >I presume, then, that you are comfortable with the idea that 5.5
    | >million years ago there were fairly mature civilizations of modern
    | >humans (complete with agriculture, musical instrument making,
    | >making and working with iron and bronze, shipbuilding, etc) and
    | >that the factual particulars of a flood experience were accurately
    | >preserved by oral tradition for that same 5.5 million years?

    | ......
    | One could go on and on. All I am asking for is a mere 3 million year
    | gap between the first appearance of man, and the first appearance of
    | EVIDENCE of man--a smaller gap than any of those above. Why exactly
    | is this an unreasonable expectation, Howard? Or do you not believe
    | in statistics?

    Glenn, I for one would grant you the possibility of those 3 million
    years, but there is still the rest of the civilization bit in Howard's
    post to consider. You have argued very convincingly that the eight
    survivors of the flood would need very long time to rebuild an
    advanced civilization. A similarly long time would have to be added
    to your 3 million years.


    Stein Arild Strømme                             telefon +47 55584825
    Universitetet i Bergen, Matematisk institutt      mobil +47 95801887
    Johs Brunsg 12, N--5008 Bergen                  telefax +47 55589672
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