Re: Flood

From: Diane Roy (
Date: Sat Jul 15 2000 - 16:51:17 EDT

  • Next message: glenn morton: "RE: End of Cheap oil"

    > AR: It is not their calculations which concern me. It is your calculations. You
    > never consider heat loss, only heat gain.
    > As for their calculations, they are based on the philosophy tenent of Acualism not
    > under catastrophic conditions, therefore their heat loss calculations are not going to
    > be comparable to catastrophic conditions.

      This last sentence isn't very clear (is "Acualism" a typo for something?) but
      this seems to be one of the standard YEC devices: Claim to explain things in terms of
      known laws of physics but at a crucial point appeal to unknown physics or a miracle.
      In this case, however, as I think Glenn's arguments ahve made clear, you'll need lots of
      new physics &/or miracles.

      AR: It is a typo: Actualism is the current philosophical tenet which has taken the place of Uniformitarianism. (I didn't make this up.) Most any current Geology text defines Actualism. I'm surprised that you are not aware of this common knowledge.

      Uniformitarianism states that the present is the key to the past -- the processes working today worked the same in the past and at the same rates.

      Actualism states that the present is the key to the past -- the processes working today worked the same in the past but not necessarily at the same rates. The observed catastrophes of the past 20 years or so (St. Helens, other volcanic explosions, comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, etc.) have caused this change.

      Glenn accepts Actualism. As a Creationary Catastrophist, I accept Actualism up to the point that it conflicts with Biblical witness evidence. Witness evidence has more authority than any philosophical tenet (not the other way around). As a Creationary Catastrophist I make no appeals to unknown physics or miracles concerning Noah's Flood catastrophe. You apparently missed previous posting which proposes that the catastrophe was caused by a series of asteroid impacts similar to comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 on Jupiter. I'm not at this point going to reiterate what I said before. I believe that there are archives for that.

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