Chicken or the egg?

From: silk (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2000 - 05:29:56 EST

  • Next message: Susan Cogan: "Re: Chicken or the egg?"

    Hi Silk here: If we are to assume that the uncreated creator (god to many) made all the way they {it} are {is} where they {it} are {is} doing what they are then our only question can be "WHY" & if thats it then it's not even worth 5 minutes of contemplation, but if god did do it all then this god did or did not endow you with the curiosity to contemplate what it had done or is doing & why! Period! cogito ergo sum! You do what you do because it's what you're supposed to do otherwise you'd be doing something else!

    Other side of the same coin: What if we go along with Hubble & say the universe is expanding & then go backwards? If we do we should arrive at the original point of expansion? N'est-ce pas? Forget for the sake of discussion what came before that! Ok if we do this I guess that more or less brings us to the big bang? So here we are with this "primordial soup" made up of some stuff; cosmic background radiation, free electrons, photons & helium & all that type thing! Ok, from all this mysterious stuff mixing itself up with outstanding temperatures & lightening & all other same such activities bingo we get a thing called life! We can, again for the sake of the conversation, assume the physical & chemical laws then (12 - 15 billion yr's ago) were obeying different masters (rules). Abiogensis or some same such thing long since departed & therefore not so much as a trace left behind & thus available for our scrutiny? [I could see it, whether god "designed" or not ] So this "life" was very fresh & vulnerable & impressionable [ I can see that can you?] (for the sake of a thread for if we wait for concrete proof we shall never have a handle from which to contemplate anything?) Why then did this ever so impressionable life evolve into so many different forms, say without design to guide it, & add to this that this life did so evolve into a myriad of things under the very same environmental conditions & the same time (starting point)? Of course if every species that ever was was somehow isolated from one another at this time of "genesis" (each evolved from unique conditions) only later to migrate & mingle with one another that could explain the variety & spice of life? Any conjectures? I for one ( in the abscence of a supernatural intelligent designer) simply do not know! Say this "new life" was all the "same" when it came into being - common ancestory?? Take 10 pint bottles of paint (all the same paint) & throw each one against a wall & you may very well get 10 very different "splotches" not at all unlike Rorschachs blots? The lottery of life, simply & only that! A form of chance? Or is that too "unsophisticated" for ya all? I must admit that all that "is" seems to be conducting "Its" affairs with a great degree of symbiosis? Perhaps this "coincidence" simply developed later on for "convenience"? Seems to be a hell of alot of convenience in the works for "chances" sake?

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