Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics

From: bill r wald (
Date: Mon Nov 20 2000 - 12:58:42 EST

  • Next message: Susan Cogan: "Re: Fw: Pseudo Intellectuals & the horse they rode in on!"

    >Okay, a bit over-dramatic (to say the least), but I think everyone gets
    >point. Take away the preexisting assumption that Mrs. Jones was
    murdered (or
    >analogously, that life arose here on Earth) and the assumption based on
    it -
    >that a murder weapon with Mr. Jones' fingerprints on it must exist . . .

    We just had a man convicted in this exact kind of case. The prosecuter
    calls it cicumstantial evidence instead of circular reasoning. Hopefully
    it will be overturned on appeal.

    Facts and logic no longer matter in this modern world and science has
    as "spiritual" as religion. For example, I don't know that carl sagan
    ever did a lick of science but he has convinced millions of people that
    the universe is so big that there must be all kinds of space aliens out

    I propose this situation arose because science pays better than

    >First, it contains the word argue. Second,it takes the form of a logical

    >Premise 1: Cellular life originated on Earth
    >Premise 2: Cellular life absolutely requires lipidlike hydrocarbon
    >Conclusion: Therefore, lipidlike hydrocarbon derivatives must have been
    >present on the early Earth

    Logic is only useful when every premise is correct. There is no evidence
    of premise 1.

    >The first cellular life here on Earth was very likely much like todays
    >least at the most fundamental levels).

    We only have circumstantial evidence of this. It is a circular statement
    - the implied preface is omitted, "We have not discovered any other kind
    of cellular life therefore . . . ."

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