Re: Open Minds Please!

From: Susan Cogan (
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 17:07:53 EST

  • Next message: Nelson Alonso: "ID thinking"

    This is going to boil some blood & so it should! Overall it was the
    Bible that came in for most of Silks unrelenting scourge: Ministers,
    Priests & preachers wonder how I can be wicked enough to attack the
    Bible. I will tell them. This book, the Bible has persecuted even
    unto death, the wisest and the best. This book stayed and stopped the
    onward movement of the human race. This book poisoned the fountains
    of learning and misdirected the energies of man.

    even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then.

    In fairness, if the Book had not existed, man would have done all
    that stuff anyway.



    I am aware that the conclusions arrived at in this work will be denounced by some as highly irreligious; but he who denounces them is bound to shew why it is more irreligious to explain the origin of man as a distinct species by descent from some lower form, through the laws of variation and natural selection, than to explain the birth of the individual through the laws of ordinary reproduction.

    ---Charles Darwin

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