Re: choice as part of the design

From: bill r wald (
Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 14:30:33 EST

  • Next message: Susan Cogan: "Re: Open Minds Please!"

    >CC>Jones has even gone
    >>so far (following similar claims by Johnson) as to claim that ultimate
    >>starting points must be simply assumed, ...

    >Indeed! If Chris disagrees how does he propose to arrive at an
    >starting point except by, in the end, assuming it?

    Steve finally got something right, Chris finally got something wrong. <G>

    Steve starts with God who does stuff. Chris starts with a real universe
    which operates under a fixed set of observable relationships.

    These views are not compatable and not resolvable by the Religionist
    unless he chooses at least one of the following two options, maybe three.
    First, one can compartmentalize the logical result of one's religious
    belief to one's religious time and space. In other words, it doesn't
    bother me to talk about the moral implications of Noah's Flood in Sunday
    School and recognize Monday through Friday that there were many localized
    floods which the local populations assumed to be universal because their
    known universe was very small.

    Second, one can assume that God created a perfect universe for us which
    doesn't require micro-management of physical relationships for its
    continued existance. God accomplishes his goals by spiritual -
    metaphysical means and by applying (unkown to us) power and knowledge
    within the physical parameters of his perfect universe. To change that
    which is perfect is sinful.

    Third, God could temporarially and occasionally suspend the perfect
    relationships of this perfect universe, but I doubt it.

    It should be obvious to anyone that the ancients, including the people
    who wrote the Bible, did NOT believe in a real, physical world, but in a
    spiritual universe in which our apparent physical universe is only sort
    of a jelled projection. They saw God(s) producing and controlling every
    physical phenomon including sunshine, rain, earth quakes, lightening,
    thunder, etc.
    (God produced an earth quake which rolled away the stone)

    When push comes to shove, the only observable difference between miracles
    and magic is the person responsible and the side which wins. For example,
    Moses throws his stick and by a miracle God changes it into a snake.
    Pharoah's magicians throw down sticks and they turn into snakes - our
    guys do miracles, the bad guys do magic. Moses's snake eats the other
    snakes. The side which wins the war writes the history books.

    I suspect that people like Steve don't believe in a real universe but a
    spiritual universe. Every grain of sand is where it is because God wants
    it there, the energy level and vector of every quark is exactly what is
    because that is the way God wants it. God could change everything. We
    don't have a real existance but only exist in the mind of God. The only
    reason Scientists can measure physical relationships and get consistant
    results is that God hasn't recently changed his mind. In other words,
    pragmatically, Christianity is existential and only theoretically is
    Christianity different than existentialism - only regarding stuff that
    can't be measured or counted.

    Had a heated argument last night which I regret with a friend, also named
    Steve, about the nature of the universe. He believes that since Adam's
    screw-up the universe is cursed. Every atom, every quark is cursed. This
    baffles me to tears. Are the physical characteristics of a cursed
    electron different than those of an un-cursed electron? Would an
    un-cursed electron and positron react differently than the ones we
    observe? If the "laws of nature" e.g. the physical relationships we
    observe are cursed then they must be in some way defective. What is the
    defect? How could the universe be improved? The YECs never tell us. Oh,
    yes, "God's ways are higher than our ways," thus we are to stupid to
    observe the defect and/or suggest a correction.

    When push comes to shove, curse=stuff turns out bad and miracle=stuff
    turns out good. Every thing has a moral content and nothing is real.

    Apoligize for rambling.


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