Re: Report by Jonathan Wells of tour of Arkansas, Kansas, Washington

Date: Wed Nov 08 2000 - 04:41:23 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Phil Johnson on the Second Law of Thermodynamics"

    In a message dated 08/11/00 01:18:00 GMT Standard Time,

     As I have commented before, Richard, like most evolutionists, seems to
     have a need to convict his opponents not only of intellectual error (i.e.
     mistakes) but also of *moral* error (i.e. dishonesty).
     This indicates to me that deep down, they know their case is inadequate.

    Paul Robson:
     What would you think of an evolutionist who posted reams of quotes,
     letters and articles culled from various sources and completely ignored
     the voluminous responses posted by IDers and Creationists ?

     Hint: Daniel

     Note : Psychobabble (and nonsensical psychobabble at that !) does not
     count as an "answer".

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