Re: A new private mailing list?

From: Chris Cogan (
Date: Wed Oct 11 2000 - 15:37:49 EDT

  • Next message: Chris Cogan: "Re: CSI, GAs, etc."

    ><< Allen Roy wrote:
    > >Unless a email list is restricted in some way or another it soon becomes
    > >dominated by vocal, opinionated believers in evolutionism. I am also a
    > >member of the CRSnet (Creation Research Society) email list. After
    > troubles
    > >with having the list open to most anyone, they restricted membership to
    > >those who join the society. While it is sad that not as many people can be
    > >involved, that is balanced by the ability to be able to discuss topics
    > >without the noise and raspberries of antagonistic acolytes of
    > evolutionism.
    > >>
    >I wonder if Allen ever visited the ARN discussion forum - there one finds the
    >self-contratulatory self-proclaimed geniuses of ID profess their admiration
    >for each other and their pity for the poor, blinded materialists....
    >I'll bet the CRSnet group is oh so full of insightful intellectual exchanges
    >between creation science researchers, critiquing each others opinions and
    >views such that weaknesses in their logic and flaws in their data
    >interpretation are brought to light to avoid being embarrassed in the public

    Well, we can dream . . . . Sadly, many of them are so eager that they just
    present their views, bad logic, lack of evidential basis, and all.

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