ID vs. ?

Date: Sat Aug 26 2000 - 12:17:26 EDT

  • Next message: "Dembski 1/2"

    Your posts seem to indicate you each have your own thoughts, and your
    differences often concern definitions of terms, such as "evolution",
    "supernatural", "random", "purpose", "intelligence", "meaning",
    "macro-evolution" , the difference between "apparent" design and "actual"
    design, etc. However most of you appear united on one point:

    Most of you are passionately opposed to ID.

     I read the ID discussion board. (Many of them are obviously scientists, and
    their discussions are usually too technical for much participation by me.)
    They also each have their own ideas about ID, and they are also united on one

    ID allows the possibility of a god, but does not require one. (Just as a
    "big bang" allows the possibility of a "creator", but doesn't require one.)

     ID supporters are all skeptical of Darwinism, (RM&NS as an explanation of
    macro evolution) but apparently few people still support orthodox Darwinism -
    except maybe Susan. Perhaps the controversy will eventually play itself out
    in the following manner: Most of those who can tolerate the possible
    existence of a god will call themselves ID supporters, and those who to whom
    whole idea of a god is repugnant will call themselves something else. You
    need a label to rally around, but you would probably do better to choose
    something other than "Darwinism".


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