Teaching the Controversy

From: Bertvan@aol.com
Date: Wed Aug 09 2000 - 12:20:22 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: Teach the Controversy"

    T: Good morning, students, this is a biology class, where we study biology,
    and nothing but biology. Evolution is an important part of biology.

    ST: What is evolution?

    T: Evolution is what scientists say it is.

    St: Do you mean how random mutation and natural selection turned reptiles
    into birds?

    T: Hmmm.

    St: My cousin Abby says some scientists don't believe random mutation and
    natural selection turned reptiles into birds.

    T: All reputable scientists believe it. Your cousin Abby is an ignorant liar.

    St: She said one of the scientists who doesn't believe it is Sir Fred Hoyle.
    Has he become disreputable?

    T: Hoyle is an astronomer. No one is allowed thoughts about evolution except

    St: I've heard there are even biologists who don't believe it.

    ( another student from the back of the classroom): I have a cousin who is a
    member of the ACLU.

    T: Yes, well, as your cousin knows, the supreme court does not allow such
    talk in a biology classroom. To continue, evolution complicated, and no one
    but biologists completely understand it. However evolution is what
    evolutionary biologists say it is, and we are not here to discuss it. My job
    is to explain to you that evolution is TRUE.

    St: What about those scientists who believe the universe is the result of a
    rational design?

    (student from back of classroom): He said "design", teacher! I heard him!
    That's practically the same as saying G--. I'm going to tell my cousin in
    the ACLU that someone practically said the G-word in the classroom!!!

    ( Teacher to subversive student, and beginning to show signs of panic ):
    Young man, if you care to step out into the hall, I will explain to you the
    importance of keeping such seditious discussions out of a biology classroom.
    If you expect a passing grade in this course, you had better learn to keep
    your questions to yourself - or at least ask them in some other class.

    St: What about sociobiology? You know, that rape is a trait that evolved by
    random mutation and natural selection?

    T. Class dismissed, everyone, class dismissed!!!


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