Re: A Question of Abiogenesis

From: Cliff Lundberg (
Date: Tue Aug 08 2000 - 00:00:23 EDT

  • Next message: Steven P Crawford: "Re: A Question of Abiogenesis"

    Tedd Hadley wrote:
    > Well, considering that the most single-minded passion of all
    > critters smaller than a breadbox (and most larger) is wolfing
    > down food so that they can reproduce more hungry critters, the
    > idea of having nutrient-rich building blocks lying around long
    > enough to even ponder the possibility of assembly is about as
    > likely as the idea of a box of Twinkies (tm) growing mold at a
    > diet-camp cafeteria.

    The concept is clear, but there should be a nice term for it.
    The problem of low-level incipience in the face of evolved
    predators and competitors.

    --Cliff Lundberg  ~  San Francisco  ~  415-648-0208  ~

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