DI goes to Washington

From: Wesley R. Elsberry (welsberr@inia.cls.org)
Date: Tue May 09 2000 - 13:14:26 EDT

  • Next message: Bertvan@aol.com: "Hi, I'm new."


    It describes how "top scientists" from the Discovery Institute are
    going to brief legislators on "design theory". Among those listed
    as "top scientists" is William Dembski, whose views on politics
    were posted on Meta-Views as:

    "The whole politicization of ID research associated with the "Wedge"
    is something from which we want to distance ourselves."

    It looks more like Dembski is "going the distance" for the
    Wedge than "distancing" himself from it.

    Another odd bit is how Dembski is described as an "Associate
    Research Professor" at Baylor, yet various statements from the
    Baylor adminstration had said that Dembski and Gordon were not
    considered Baylor faculty. How does that work out to a
    consistent stance?


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