Re: Scientists Say Universe Is Flat But Growing

From: Cliff Lundberg (
Date: Fri Apr 28 2000 - 02:00:44 EDT

  • Next message: Richard Wein: "Re: the role of sex in evolution"

    Stephen E. Jones wrote:
    >Here are a couple of Yahoo stories which claim that the universe is "flat".
    >and growing apart at an increasing rate.
    >My understanding is that is against the original predictions of cosmic
    >inflation (on which many anti-design multiple universe theories depend).

    The acceleration of the rate of expansion seems to be a new finding, one
    which belies the conception of an explosion like those we are familiar with,
    in which the rate of expansion decreases after a certain point early in the

    But by what rational thought does this support ID? The unknown doesn't
    prove ID, unless the argument from personal incredulity is the basis.

    If you need an explanation of some kind for this phenomenon, it's easy to
    make one up; in theoretical physics you can get away with murder. I can
    just say that gravitational attraction is one property of matter, and
    space-generation is another. The space-generating power needs room
    to operate, it works better when the matter isn't jammed together. Up to
    a point, the more space it has, the more it generates.

    >This also means also that this is the one and only expansion phase of this
    >universe and any lingering hopes that it would expand and contract in an
    >eternal cycle (and thus rule out creation) are therefore further dashed.

    Why would a one-time expansion support ID, except that the bible doesn't
    mention oscillating-universe theories? And why would an oscillating pattern
    have to be eternal? And why would anything rule out creation? Couldn't the
    designer design an oscillating universe?

    --Cliff Lundberg  ~  San Francisco  ~

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