Why assume a lie?

Sun, 28 Nov 1999 09:41:05 EST

>And yet it is totally irrlevent to evolution. You may dislike the
materialist >philosophy. So what. Your (and Johnson's, etc.) does not make
it non-viable. >Nor does it have any bearing on whether or not evolution is
true. I fin that when >one tries to turn this into a philosophical debate,
it is because they have no >evidence on their side. Your refusal to address
the points of my previous post, >and instead your focusing on the
'philosophical' point bears witness to that.

Hi Huxter,
A materialist philosophy is as viable as a philosophy which includes purpose,
plan and design. Anyone should be free to choose. If Darwinism is defined
as excluding plan, purpose or design, anyone should be free to be skeptical.
