Re: All forms of science designed for discussion

glenn morton (
Sat, 27 Nov 1999 23:28:04 +0000

At 10:47 AM 11/24/99 EST, wrote:
>Hi Glenn,
>I'm sure some people sincerely believe in neo Darwinism as a scientific
>theory. However since it is merely a scientific theory (one among many), I
>can see no reason why anyone would defend it with passion. Surely you've
>noticed that the majority of people sharing your views on this debate are
>atheists, promoting a philosophical point of view. They would have no
>objection to design being a part of nature; they strongly object to even the
>possibility of the existence of a "designer". I believe both you and the
>atheists are sincere and not "willfully stupid". I know how uncomfortable
>is to hold minority beliefs, and joining a bunch of atheists to defend neo
>Darwinism must be uncomfortable for you. Lots of luck.

Truth is not uncomfortable. It is the most comfortable thing around. When I
was a YEC, I was very uncomfortable because I knew that what the YECs were
teaching about geology was simply false. I struggled with the problem of
Christians telling things that were false in the name of God. I don't
think it is particularly ethical for people to say things that are
equivalent to 'The sky is not blue because the way I interpret the Bible
says it isn't'. THat is what I and the other YECs/antievolutionists were
doing. The denial of observational data is rampant in Christianity and it
is a shame. It is like we don't really trust our God to be able to do it in
a way we find acceptable.

As to any atheists I am associated with, I will tell you, my God didn't
tell me to take the gospel to the Christians, and He certainly didn't say
withdraw from all the non-believers. It is a real shame that so many
christians are afraid to have dialogues with atheists or to agree with them
when they are correct on something. They are correct on evolution, they are
incorrect when they exclude God. Are we to leave them without any witness?

Foundation, Fall and Flood
Adam, Apes and Anthropology

Lots of information on creation/evolution