All forms of science designed for discussion
Sun, 28 Nov 1999 09:58:41 EST

Glenn wrote:
>Truth is not uncomfortable. It is the most comfortable thing around. When I
>was a YEC, I was very uncomfortable because I knew that what the YECs were
>teaching about geology was simply false. I struggled with the problem of
>Christians telling things that were false in the name of God. I don't
>think it is particularly ethical for people to say things that are
>equivalent to 'The sky is not blue because the way I interpret the Bible
>says it isn't'. THat is what I and the other YECs/antievolutionists were
>doing. The denial of observational data is rampant in Christianity and it
>is a shame. It is like we don't really trust our God to be able to do it in
>a way we find acceptable.

Hi Glenn,

I haven't seen a single young earth creationist on this discussion forum.
Nor have I seen anyone deny scientific facts. I do see legitimate
differences of opinion when it comes to interpretation of evidence? Perhaps
you believe God did it by the method the Neo Darwinists claim he did. Do you
deny anyone the right to suggest he might have done it by some other method?
