All forms of science designed for discussion
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:47:44 EST

Glenn wrote:
>only punctuates what I commented on before. THis site, hosted by a
>Christian college, used to be a great place for Christians to work on these
>issues. Now that a whole lot of people with your attitude have come here,
>it has forever changed the nature of this wonderful site! I post less and
>less here because of that and am going to other sites to have meaningful
>theological discussion. And it is a shame. Christians are the one who will
>have to solve the creation/evolution issue internally to them. Why?
>Because the whole issue arises because of christian theology!

Hi Glenn,
I'm sure some people sincerely believe in neo Darwinism as a scientific
theory. However since it is merely a scientific theory (one among many), I
can see no reason why anyone would defend it with passion. Surely you've
noticed that the majority of people sharing your views on this debate are
atheists, promoting a philosophical point of view. They would have no
objection to design being a part of nature; they strongly object to even the
possibility of the existence of a "designer". I believe both you and the
atheists are sincere and not "willfully stupid". I know how uncomfortable it
is to hold minority beliefs, and joining a bunch of atheists to defend neo
Darwinism must be uncomfortable for you. Lots of luck.