Why Lie?

Wed, 24 Nov 1999 10:28:02 EST

Chris wrote:
>There's a moral here: If you want to read Stephen's posts, by all means do
>so. Just remember that any evolutionist he quotes is probably being quoted
>out of context or misquoted and is almost certainly being misrepresented.
>Further, keep in mind that, even when he does not misrepresent the quotes in
>the very process of quoting them, he *then* misrepresents what they say in
>his own comments about them. This is most remarkable, since all the reader
>has to do is re-read the quoted passage to see that Stephen is simply lying
>or willfully stupid. I will elaborate on this in my post in response to the
>post in which he has the gall to accuse me of an ad hominem argument for
>calling him on his systematic misrepresentation the views of his opponents.

Hi Chris:
How often have I heard the claim that anyone who criticizes any part of neo
Darwinism is "lying or willfully stupid". It 's rather like Dawkin's claim
that critics are immoral or insane (and something else I've forgotten). I'm
grateful to Steven for doing all that reading. He often he posts the entire
article on the board. I do hope that resorting to such arguments as these
means that the end of "random mutation and natural selection as an
explanation of macro evolution" is in sight. Perhaps the real scientists are
moving on and looking for other explanations, while the "defenders" of the
theory are left holding the bag.