Re: Christian bona fides (was "Stephen Jones" <>: Re: evolution-digest ...)

Ed Brayton (
Tue, 26 May 1998 18:36:23 -0400

Stephen Jones wrote:
> Ed
> On Thu, 21 May 1998 22:37:54 -0400, Ed Brayton wrote:
> >>SJ>Read what I said again. >>
> >JWB>(sigh). I did, Stephen. If you wrote more briefly, I'd read you stuff
> >>more carefully.
> EB>Uh, oh, Burgy. You did a <sigh>. This is an ad hominem attack, according
> >to Mr. Jones.
> Technically it is an ad hominem, because Burgy here tries to shift the blame
> from himself for not reading my words "more carefully" to me, for not writing
> more briefly. But it is the *sheer volume* of Glenn's ad hominems that is the
> issue, not the odd ad hominem that shows up in everyone's posts, even
> mine.

Yet more proof that you really don't have the foggiest idea what an ad
hominem attack is. Try Logic 101.

> EB> Tsk, tsk. Now you're gonna have to prove your "Christian
> >bona fides" to him or risk his anger. <G>
> Burgy already has. Unlike Glenn Burgy and other Christians have in the past
> stated, directly or indirecty, their "Christian bona fides".

Great. Then you won't be troubled with having to demand them.

> But keep trying to raise smokescreens! I don't mind one bit. Others may also
> start to think that you are going to an awful lot of effort to avoid stating what
> "theory of evolution" you are "a staunch advocate of". If you keep evading
> the question much longer, I (and no doubt others) will have to conclude that
> you don't really know what "theory of evolution" you are "a staunch advocate
> of"!

You are - may I quote you? - conflating two different issues. I cut off
the first discussion with you because you were so rude and
presumptuousness. I see no point in picking it up again. If anyone else
on the list wishes to engage me in that discussion, I would be willing
to do so. That is completely irrelevant to your insistence on making an
accusation you cannot back up. The one who is raising smokescreens here
is you, Mr. Jones. Either back up your charge against Glenn or retract
it. That is clearly the ethical thing to do. Ain't if funny how you rant
about the effect that evolution has on morality, yet this evolutionist
is advocating the more ethical position? One could be forgiven for
thinking that you are just playing word games.
