Re: Racism is Racism: Evolution is NOT

Chuck Warman (
Sun, 25 May 1997 16:43:04 -0500

At 01:59 AM 5/24/97 -0600, you wrote:
>>There was a gang member out here some time ago who was tried for murder
in a
>>drive-by that killed a two-year-old kid. His sentiment? The two-year-old is
>>better off dead, because it's a useless world. I did the kid a favor. And
>>you execute me, big deal. I'm going to die soon enough on the streets.
>>Now that is a materialist philosophy, coherent and logical according to its
>>own terms.
>And therefore, since one "materialist" believes this, then obviously all
>materialist logic must be the same, right?
Of course not. But this particular piece of materialist philosophy cannot
be *objectively* refuted by another bit of materialist philosophy.

Materialism cannot condemn anything without either borrowing from a
transcendent system, or resorting to sheer prescriptivism.

Chuck Warman (Wichita Falls, TX)
"The abdication of Belief / makes the Behavior small."
----Emily Dickinson