Racism is Racism: Evolution is NOT

Russell T. Cannon (rcannon@usa.net)
Thu, 22 May 1997 15:06:17 -0500

After quoting a number of racist statements from various individuals,
Dan said:

> The conclusion that must be drawn here
> is that Darwin's evolution is a direct
> cause and effect of the Holocaust.
> Those who would deny this are simply
> choosing not to believe that racism
> and evolution are closely interwoven
> belief systems.

I am a very devout Christian. Moreover, I am married to a Jewish woman
and have friends in synagogue (Messianic) whose parents are Holocaust
survivors. I believe in creationism--at least a form of it, OEC. As a
result of these circumstances, you might think that I would be disposed
to agree with the above statement. On the contrary, I can't help but
feel repulsed by it.

The Holocaust was caused primarily by one thing--the depravity of man.
Some may not agree with me that all men are depraved, but I think most
would agree that at least those men (the NAZIs) were immeasurably
depraved. They were sick, horribly evil monsters who used any
justification they could find for their perverse worldview. They
justified themselves using the writings and sayings of Nietzshe, Darwin,
Marx (although they wouldn't admit it), and--yes--even Jesus Christ. In
my opinion, the ideas espoused by the first three were seriously flawed
but not because the NAZIs were able to use them--their ideas stand or
fall on their own merits. If we assume that Nietzsche, Darwin, and Marx
were racists because the NAZIs used them, then we are forced by
intellectual honesty to assume the same about Jesus. God FORBID!

I reject the above statement by Dan and plead with him--in the name of
Christian love and fairness--to withdraw it and apologize. I feel that
it otherwise does not deserve a response.

Russell T. Cannon