Re: Racism is Racism: Evolution is NOT

Jim Bell (70672.1241@CompuServe.COM)
23 May 97 19:09:53 EDT

Glenn Morton writes:

>Now you're going to wish you had followed your deep desire. ;-)

<For the first time in your life Jim, you are absolutely correct. :-)

High praise indeed! I should stop now.

But, of course, I can't resist...

<<Good can be nothing more than passing on your genes. The materialist
definition of good. That is consistent with evolution.>>

Yes, it CAN be. But what about those materialists who REJECT this definition
of good?

There was a gang member out here some time ago who was tried for murder in a
drive-by that killed a two-year-old kid. His sentiment? The two-year-old is
better off dead, because it's a useless world. I did the kid a favor. And if
you execute me, big deal. I'm going to die soon enough on the streets.

Now that is a materialist philosophy, coherent and logical according to its
own terms. Can any fellow materialist prove this guy wrong? No.
