Racism is Racism evolution is evolution

Fri, 23 May 97 20:26:53 -0500

I had previously made a post blaming the Holocaust on
evolution and quoted several 1800's evolutionary researchers
whose research findings were (at least to me) racist. For
example, "Negroes came off the evolutionary line early, when
apes were less intelligent. Whites came off later".

My intention was to display that the moral standard of the
day permitted races that were not completely human.
Therefore, there must be a "Master Race". Hitler was so
consumed with the theory, that he attempted to make extinct
the lesser race. This was as important, if not the primary
goal, as world domination. This can be understood when one
realizes that the trains taking the people to the death
camps took priority over the resupply trains to the front.

If I in some way offended my Christian brother, Russell
Cannon, I am sincerely sorry. The more I learn of my
Christian heritage, the more respect and love I have of the
Jewish people.

Anyone who accepts Creation and the Fall as taught in God's
Word is held to one unchanging standard. The
atheist/evolutionist is held to his own fluid standard. As
others have pointed out, Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and
Charles Manson held themselves to their own humanist
standard. Hey, if it feels good, do it! If men were not
punished for their disobedience in the Garden, why did Jesus
have to come to earth to redeem us? This is the God whose
standards I hold myself to, not my own or society's

I maintain that the evolution/humanist religion did
significantly contribute to the Holocaust because the moral
standard of the day permitted it. Yes, it was depraved
human sin. The moral standard of the day in Nazi Germany
permitted it. The horror on the Jewish people was
considered immoral to the true belivers in Nazi Germany.
Many who spoke out against it were executed.

The evolution/humanist religion posesses an agressive
agenda. Please permit me one more quote:

John Dunphy in the January 1983 Humanist Magazine,
"The Bible is archaic, outmoded, and an incredibly dangerous
book. I am convinced that the battle for the future of
humankind must be waged and won in the classroom, to convey
humanistic vaules. The classroom must and will become an
arena of conflict between the old and the new, the rotting
corpse of Christianity and the new faith of humanism, the
classroom is the battleground".
