Science & Christianity mailing list

Steven Schimmrich (
Tue, 17 Sep 1996 16:57:30 -0500 (CDT)

For anyone interested, the Science & Christianity mailing list is now
back on line (it was down for the summer). A short explanation of the
list follows. More information may be obtained from the moderator,
Steven Schimmrich ( or from the web page at:

SCICHR-LIST, the Science & Christianity mailing list is a closed mailing
list providing a forum for Christians in the sciences to discuss issues
relating science and Christianity. The impetus for the creation of this
list, in June 1994, was that the Internet religious newsgroups usually have
too much "noise" and often overt hostility toward Christians making it
difficult to have productive conversations with fellow Christians about items
of mutual interest. The mailing list is ecumenical and welcomes Christians
of all denominations.

The primary purpose of this list is to allow ecumenical discussions on the
role of Christians in the scientific community and, conversely, the role of
scientists in the Christian community. This list should not be used as a
forum for creation/evolution arguments or to advance any one particular
denominational belief.

I ask that all those wishing to subscribe to this mailing list must satisfy
the following three conditions:

1. You are actively involved in some aspect of the physical or life
sciences as a student, instructor, or professional.

2. You are a believing, practicing Christian.

3. You will agree to be civil at all times.

If you'd like to subscribe, send me e-mail briefly explaining how you meet
these three requirements for membership. The terms "science" and
"Christianity" are difficult to define exactly and pose special problems for
me as moderator of the list. Therefore, I have made a few exceptions to the
above conditions and if you don't meet one of the first two requirements, and
you feel you should be allowed to join anyway, send me e-mail and tell me why
I should make an exception for you. Unfortunately, due to bad experiences
with disruptive people in the past, I'm less likely to make exceptions than
I used to be but I promise to seriously and prayerfully consider every request.

- Steve.

--      Steven H. Schimmrich           KB9LCG        Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign         245 Natural History Building, Urbana, IL 61801  (217) 244-1246     Fides quaerens intellectum