Re: Can you be objectivea about evolution?

Brian D. Harper (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 15:58:33 -0400

At 05:52 AM 4/24/96 EDT, Steve wrote:


>TG>2. You may be surprised to hear this, but I could make a case
>>against evolutionary theory. I know the counter arguments well--both
>>the scientific ones and the religious ones. My guess is that they
>>would sound a lot like yours or Phil Johnson's or Mike Behe's, etc.
>>And I'm squarely in the camp of the critics of neo-Darwinism such as
>>Gould, Goodwin, and Kauffman.
>Good. Well how about *posting* what you think are the main evidences
>against your theory?

Steve, you've been reading too many books written by lawyers.
Wait a minute, I've got it now. You watched the final episode
of <Murder One> last night, right? Did you shave your head
this morning? ;-)

Your assertion in another post is that evolutionists have
trouble even thinking of evidence against their theory.
Terry says he can, why do you doubt him? If you don't
doubt him then why this ridiculous demand? Do you want
him to do your homework for you?

Brian Harper | "I can't take my guesses back
Associate Professor | That I based on almost facts
Applied Mechanics | That ain't necessarily so"
Ohio State University | -- Willie Nelson