Re: Can you be objectivea about evolution?

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Wed, 24 Apr 1996 19:39:55 -0700

Brian says to Steve:

>Your assertion in another post is that evolutionists have
>trouble even thinking of evidence against their theory.
>Terry says he can, why do you doubt him? If you don't
>doubt him then why this ridiculous demand? Do you want
>him to do your homework for you?

Not only did Terry fail to respond, he resorted to in effect ad hominem
arguments to cover up for his failure. He said he could criticize other
peoples brands of evolution, not his own. Be more careful in your reading
of posts, Brian :-)! In this case Steve is right on the money. I don't
think Terry wants to come up with arguments against his theory. Who does?
But he ought to at least acknowledge that they exist.