Re: Age distribution of reflectorites

Russell T. Arndts (rta@TIGGER.STCLOUD.MSUS.EDU)
Sat, 13 Jan 1996 12:04:26 -0600

JF said,

JF>The stratigraphic column provides relative dates. We can say, for
>example, that a particular assemblage fits into the late Jurassic.
>Geologists two centuries ago were able to discern many different faunas,
>which always appeared in the same order. This does not rely on or
>assume evolution; the broad details were in place well before Darwin
>published, subsequent work has merely refined the details.

How do we know that "a particular assemblage" wasn't around before or after?

It seems we are having a slight problem with the logic that says, if we
can't see it, it must not have existed.

Russ Arndts