Re: De Novo Adam

Stephen Jones (
Wed, 20 Dec 95 06:35:21 EST


On 12 Dec 95 12:17:53 EST you wrote:

>Glenn asks:
GM>Dust over most of the earth is primarily silicon. Since I am not
primarily made of silicon, why did God use the silicon?>>

JB>You'll have the chance to ask Him, of course. He may want to ask
>you why you constrain Him. If it's God's miracle, why can't he
>change the chemical properties any way he likes? If you allow him to
>fix up a dead hominid, why can't he fix up dead dust?

Indeed. And why could not God "fix up" living "dust", ie. form man
from a pre-existing living primate animal, through a series of
creative stages?

God bless


| Stephen Jones | ,--_|\ | |
| 3 Hawker Ave | / Oz \ | |
| Warwick 6024 |->*_,--\_/ | |
| Perth, Australia | v | phone +61 9 448 7439 |