Re: How should Christians handle refutations?

Bill Hamilton (
Tue, 19 Dec 1995 15:15:15 -0500

Jim Bell writes

>And when was the last time you saw a "retraction" from the evolutionists?
>Every single problem becomes fodder for a new variation on Naturalism. The
>famous gaps in the fossil record, for example, become, presto changeo, punk
>eek! And if someone has the temerity to point out that this merely draws
>attention to the lack, Mr. S. J. Gould or his analog huffs and puffs and
>expresses discontent that "his" work should give "aid and comfort" to the
A few years ago, somewhere in Illinois, a woman who had accused a man of
raping her recanted her testmony. The man had been convicted on the
strength of her testimony and imprisoned for several years. Now she
claimed the rape never happened. Apparently she had become a Christian in
the meantime and was plagued by guilt over the false accusation she had
made. She now claimed that no one had raped her and she had accused the
man of rape in a childish desire to get even with him for some real or
imagined slight. Eventually the man _was_ released, but initially the
legal authorities dismissed all attempts to reopen the case. Seems as
though it happens in the legal community also, and in this case it kept an
innocent man imprisoned for quite a few weeks after the testimony was

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
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