Re: Fossil Man again

Stephen Jones (
Wed, 20 Sep 95 22:58:19 EDT


On 15 Sep 95 17:15:07 EDT Jim wrote:

>Glenn wrote:
GM>Let me help. The atheist does not believe in God or the Bible; I
do. Hope that helps.

JB>It doesn't. Your personal belief system is one thing; your
>position re: the data is another. The latter is indistinguishable
>from atheistic Naturalism, and suffers from the same problems.

For once I disagree with Jim here and side with Glenn. We must
acknowledge that Glenn *does* believe in the Bible, in the
supernatural creation of man, and in the Flood. His position is
therefore not entirely "indistinguishable from atheistic Naturalism".

However, his position is no threat to "atheistic Naturalism", either.
At least the atheists sit up an take notice of YEC which they perceive
as a genuine competitor. One suspects they would have a tolerant
contempt for TE views?

Jesus said that He had not "come to bring peace to the earth...but a
sword" (Mt 10:34). Glenn's "sword" seems more like a trowel for
smoothing over differences with naturalists? The only cutting and
stabbing it seems to do is to those on his own team. Ouch! :-)

God bless.


| Stephen Jones | ,--_|\ | |
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