Re: New Abortion Quiz

From: Terry M. Gray <>
Date: Thu Oct 14 2004 - 00:03:27 EDT

George wrote:
>Furthermore, we now know that a large number - I have seen estimates
>considerably higher than 50% - of conceptuses are spontaneously
>aborted at such an early stage that the mother is seldom even aware
>that she was pregnant. It seems odd to think that Heaven (or Limbo
>for RCs) is going to be primarily populated by such human beings.

I've never understood the force of this argument. Why does the fact
of spontaneous abortion influence the discussion at all? The fact of
infant mortality doesn't influence arguments against infanticide,
does it?

While I'm not sure he had aborted persons in mind here, the Reformed
theologian Lorraine Boettner, arguing that all who die in infancy
must be counted among the elect, claimed that the vast multitudes of
heaven would be from these.

Setting aside my personal take on Boettner's argument, it's clear
that he didn't think such thinking to be "odd". Striking George as
"odd" doesn't make it not true.


Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado  80523
phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801
Received on Thu Oct 14 00:03:52 2004

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